Monday, December 1, 2014

Day 27. 26 Nov. Cagliari, Sardinia (IT)

At 0730 we were crawling along and off the port side I could see nothing but sea and mist. Turning on the bow-cam it looked the same. Quite suddenly we were passing a jetty and light tower as we entered the long arms of the harbor, which was about 0745. The ship pulled up to a commercial pier and tied up port side to the sea, starboard side to town. Our view is of the mussel farm, some mountains across the huge bay, a half sunken freighter, grain silos, a couple of other piers and down below; buses and concrete. Not bad though. This being a working pier we cannot walk ashore into town so the line has provided a shuttle bus. For us we found we had a large tour bus; one built for Europeans/westerners with adequate size seats and leg room.
view from our deck

view of harbor

view of city

Another organized tour, this began with a ride through the city with points of interest being highlighted by Mikala, our excellent guide. This city is cleaner than the cities we have seen the last couple of days and the apartment buildings are tidier, better looking and most have some green space too. At the top of the hill we got out and began a walking tour of the old city. First we passed the 13th century Tower of St. Pancras then down the streets past old palaces to a square and the Cathedral of Cagliari.

Palaces, the square and the Cathedral

The Cathedral ( started as a church was rebuilt in 1254, enlarged in 1258 and became a Cathedral in 1313. It was remodeled/enlarged mostly during the 17th century. In 1702 more work was done. In the early 20th century more.


tombs beneath the Cathedral

arch over the steps to the city

Following that we walked down the streets and emerged at the many marble steps down the cliff face to a busy square for a few minutes of shopping and nibbling pastries. Back to the bus and up to Mt. Urpino for a view of the entire city.
bag 0' snacks

street scene

view of city

atop the mtn

Back down to sea level and a drive along the beach and the salt lagoons. Flamingos! Then out into the countryside to the farming village of Maracalagonis. Once there we got out of the bus and squeezed down a narrow street, sharing it with a few passing cars. The local men enjoying the sun on benches welcomed us warmly. A costumed man guided us to the Casa Atzeri where we were given a glass of Mirto and taken into a long room of stone walls, wood roof and one long table. Myrtle was spread on the floor which gave a nice aroma when walked upon. Costumed staff served plates of salami, prosciutto, cheeses, fruit, olives, breads and pitchers of local wine. While dining we were entertained with traditional music as each new dish was explained. After dining we waddled up to the courtyard and enjoyed a show of traditional music and dance. The owner, Mr. Vincenzo watched from a nearby table. Julie extended to him our pleasure of the experience. The ride back to the ship was narrated by our guide from who we learned about the many other sights and adventures of the island that we did not have time to see. Thus, a return to Sardinia is on our list.
welcoming us to Casa Atzeri

Soldiers' memorial from WWI

Back about 1315 for unpacking the day packs and getting ready for dinner. Still stuffed with Sardinian fare, we face tonight a special dinner in the Pinnacle: Italian Night! At 1645 we sailed. 1800 a multi-course dinner with friends Ray and Loren followed by a show.

Noon report today: 39º 12.58'N and 009º 06.32'E. Sunrise 0719. Sunset 1703. Days run 225 nm. Total log 6527 nm. Temp 20c, 68f.

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