Sunday, December 7, 2014

Days 36, 37: Sea Days 5, 6 December

5 Dec: After leaving Ponta Delgada the seas were as predicted and we had a choppy night. A time change during the evening again caused cameras and watches to be re-set. Our natural clocks take a bit longer. Fortunately this is a sea day so if we show up an hour early for Bean Bag Toss or Sit and Knit it won't be devastating.
  The first two suitcases were packed in anticipation of the end of the trip. Starting early by packing what clothes we won't need on the return as well as mementos acquired while make the final packing quite a bit easier.
With large swells throughout the day the Internet satellite connection is not good and trying to connect just sucks up expensive minutes so no posting has been made after the Gibraltar post.

Noon report 35º 30.31'N, 031º 47.07'W. Course 245º. Speed 16.6 knots. (We must maintain an average of 16 knots for timely landfall.) Wind E 25 knots (force 6). Depth 2,780 meters. Sunrise 0701. Sunset 1652. Seas (swells) 8-10'. Apparent wind port quarter aft at 9. (Actually, it is called “left side” now.) Temperature 18C/64F. Distance 8, 797 nautical miles. 327 nm made good in the past 24 hrs.

Formal attire was the dress code this evening. The dining room was decorated, the staff attired in chef jackets and hats, a special menu prepared all that was followed by a stage show featuring a violin duo.
...................................................................................................................................................................6 Dec: 0530 and we were awake. No reason. Just awake. Coffee was discovered and the day began. It was very quiet at this time of day. Still no Internet access so toher tasks are addressed. The rolling and pitching isn't bad at all, in fact there are moments of no motion whatsoever. After the sun came up either the horizon was all over the place, or the ship was all over pitching, rolling and corkscrewing about with the horizon being the immobile line of reference. Take your pick.

The day' schedule arrived. 7 am is morning stretch. 8 one can pick up sudoku cards. 9 is tying gift bows. 10 is 5 steps to flawless skin. 11 Sit and Stitch or cupcake decorating. 11 is a lecture “The Astonishing Computer.” 12 will be first Frequent Floaters* award lunch; everyone else to the trough. 1 pm is a free footprint clinic. 2 is “relieving back pain”, 3 is Tea time, 4 is bingo, 5 is Slurp & Savor, 6 is back to the trough for the early feeding, shows at 8 and 10. Second feeding at 8.
(*Frequent Floaters is a rewards program of the cruise line. Of 1,200 some people aboard this trip, 1,000 will receive a status recognition for loyalty to Uncle Hal. Free champagne guarantees a large turn-out. This has created a hierarchy among the passengers for many enjoy the bragging rights and implied due respect of having paid for so many days aboard ship with Uncle Hal. This status of “experienced” floater is very often flouted in from of newbies and can be an irritating source of conversation. )

When attempting to access the main dining room for lunch we found no open seating for the first batch of Frequent Floaters was having a luncheon in there. That's the first time many have been in there for lunch. Anyway, we went on to the Pinnacle for an fine outstanding lunch alone. This was a large lunch and afterward we waddled back to the cabin for more packing and a nap. I slept through the “Relieving Back Pain with accupuncture” seminar.

The daily report: 32º 29.14'N, 39º 03.08' W Course 240º. Speed 19.4 knots. Wind E 31 knots (force 7). Apparent wind just abaft the port beam at 21 knots. Depth 3,160 meters. Seas 2-3 meters. Sunrise 0723. Sunset 1730. Distance noon-noon 384 nm, total distance 9,201 nautical miles. 740 nm from the Azores. About 2,000 nm to next port. Temp 20C/68F. Averaged 17 knots since Ponta Delgada and must average 17 knots for timely arrival Half Moon Cay in the Bahamas. A low pressure area lies ahead moving up from the SW. We will enter that tomorrow and expect rain and winds with seas increasing and more motion to the ship.

With some alarm we realized that the social calendar was now squeezing events into the remaining days at tonight was prime example. At 5:45 pm we were ordered to report to the Explorers' Lounge for a bubbly concoction of refreshment to be followed at 6 pm by a seven course Cellar Master's Dinner with wine pairings back in the Pinnacle. At 9 pm we waddled out of that.


  1. Can't wait to see those treasures you are packing !!

  2. Dady sitting through acupuncture how to class hahaha funny! Love it dad!
