Saturday, December 6, 2014

Day 34. 3 Dec. At Sea.

Wild night again of some fine pitching. Once again someone left their bowling ball loose on the deck right above our cabin.

The ship was very quiet this morning. I managed an egg breakfast at the buffet area without anyone snatching my order, butting in line, sneezing on the grapes, spilling coffee or napping at the table. All that happened after I left, I assume.

Neptune's Court met in the Neptune Lounge. Among items on the agenda was the report of a snake in Julie's cabin just after departure. Photo evidence was provided though not everyone bought the story. More on the snake later.

At noon we acted upon an invitation and attended a luncheon in the Pinnacle hosted by Captain Smit and the new Hotel Director Francois Birada. The best fare on the ship is in the Pinnacle. Invitations are rolling in now for dinners and luncheons and we head back to the barn.

The afternoon was spent sleeping off the big lunch, patrolling the ship, attending sessions on future cruise opportunities, pre-packing for the end of the cruise and whatever else needed doing. Tomorrow is a port day, if the seas permit.

We tried the buffet dining this evening with another couple and made it through, though I admit being more hungry after than before. Even with repeated reminders of a dress code there were people in the room with shorts and tee shirts. That is allowed for breakfast and lunch but dinner is another matter. Anyway, we went in after the stampede, about 7 pm. I can see why this dining option is referred to as the cattle trough.

Another time change will take place tonight so all watches, clocks and cameras are being reset before bedtime.

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