Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day 31. 30 Nov. Cadiz and Seville, Spain

It had been a busy night with a need to turn down the AC accompanied with a lively pitching motion due to some tall swells. I managed the AC and later Neptune toned down the swells.

cabin view

Again we made our approach before dawn. This managed to be one of those Ah-HA! Days as dawn broke as we tied up port side to town. Our view was quite magnificent as dawn “walked o'er the dew of yon far Eastward hill.” Portside to the pier we had a great view of the city and the pier. Cause for celebration was the sight of 4 container trucks awaiting our arrival; re-provisioning! This is not a walk-off pier this trip; a shuttle runs us to/from the terminal. Once there it is an easy walk into the best of the city. Cadiz was begun about 1,100 years ago by Phoenicians. In 711 AD the Arabs invaded. About 1492 the Christians began the re-conquest. Thus, the culture and architecture is a mix. Anyway, the Costa Fortuna was in port with us again.

By 0900 we were aboard a bus again and off in search of an adventure. Having been here back in '11 we have elected to try something out of town. We headed toward Seville. 9:00 we were on the road with Sergio the guide for a one hour ride on an excellent freeway. Being a Sunday there was very little traffic. Part of the time the scenery was blocked by rain and fog which was unfortunate as the countryside was most pleasant. Again we were to spend the day with new friends Ray and Loren.

In Seville we unloaded and walked a few blocks to the Cathedral of Seville (1492) which is supposed to be the largest church space in the world. It also holds remains of Christopher Columbus. A Bishop would later conduct a service on one end of the church (where Columbus' remains are) and tourists were denied access to that part.

A half block away we walked the Alzambra Palace which dates to the Arab times. Supposedly Amerigo Vespucci worked on maps off the courtyard.

We walked the narrow streets and ended up at the Macarena Hotel for lunch. Aboard the bus we went to the main grounds of the 1914 Exposition (like World's Fair). Now home to government offices, this is a fantastic view.
the Exposition grounds


incense vendor
street scene walking

The old walls back at the port in Cadiz

That accomplished we were driven back to Cadiz, a quiet trip with some snoozing involved. At 1745 the ship left port followed by the Fortuna. This evening we received warning that the swells tomorrow may cause some motions of the ship tomorrow when entering harbor so we should remain in our cabins from 6:15 to 6:45 for safety.
Cadiz on our departure.

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