Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day 41, 10 Dec.Wednesday. At Sea. Crossing Day 6.

We managed to sleep in until 5 am. I imagine this will change when the voyage is over. Laundry and packing occupied time before lunch.

The morning shaped up to be a beautiful sea day with clear sky and WSW white cap waves against NE swells. No whales on whale watch this morning but many flying fish darting away from our bow. This is the last sea day and tomorrow will be the last port day before voyage end in Ft. Lauderdale.

The daily schedule offers Stretch at 7 am, Sudoku cards available at 8. At 9 guests can pick up recipe cards from previous cooking shows and at 10 learn how to increase one's metabolism. 10:30 you can get a free soft drink if you play the slots or go to a lecture on How to Stay Connected by using E-mail.. 11 is the final meeting of the book club or a Walk for a Cause followed by cigars on the after deck. A conflict arises because 11 am is also Sit and Stitch. 12 is feeding frenzy for which people had been reserving tables at 10 am. (Carry out day for the rest of us.) 1pm is visit with the Showroom at Sea cast.
2:30 is Shuck the Puck. (?) 3 is tea. 5 is Slurp 'n Burp with Shrimp and White Wine. 6 is first feeding. 7:45 second feeding. 8 pm is showtime with a tenor and a soprano. 10 is a repeat of 8. At 10:30 tonight is “Tacky Tourist Party” and I quote: “Put on your best/worst Tourist garb or show off your port purchases. Parade your best outfit and dance the night away.” (I can't wait to show off the post cards I bought in that alleyway in the Kasbah.) The drink of the day is Mai Tai. Conversation of the day is what we had for lunch yesterday.

One vessel crossed our path ahead of us, Northbound and hull up.

Noon report: Position 25º 12.69'N, 069º 53.60'W. Course 265º. Speed 17.9k. Wind SW 25 knots (force 6). Apparent wind off port bow at 42 knots. Depth 5530 meters. Distance 10,958 nm, noon to noon run 434 nm. Temp 26C/79F. Sunrise 0714, Sunset 1750.

Rain showers at 1215. Attempted lunch poolside but quickly abandoned that attempt. It was packed and at least ½ of the tables had been taken over for the day by people to read, sleep, play cards, knit, play dominoes, play video games or stare at others so there was nowhere for the lunch crowd to sit and eat. We beat a retreat to the dining room with many others.

Speaking of better facilities, there are still cabins without AC and some passengers are wondering if the AC will be repaired or will it still be out when the next cruise begins, which is the same afternoon as we dock in Florida. The ship is continuing on for a 7 day Caribbean trip then a cruise through the Panama Canal. I know of some people who are demanding a fare reduction because their utilities are not working. For us, our jacuzzi has not worked at all this trip and they cannot fix it. The office gave us a bottle of wine instead. Time for a change.

Early afternoon the wind shifted from the SW to the NW and continued at 26 knots. The change in conditions now has wind from the other side of the ship and we are experiencing a bit of spray from the bow. This is, after all, a ship.

Dinner with friends in the main dining room then a show after.

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