Saturday, December 6, 2014

Day 35. 4 December. Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Azores (Portugal)

We awoke at 0530 and got up rested. That is because of a time change last night and the fact we went to bed early. Not to mention having enjoyed a good rest yesterday. This is our last major port of the trip.
This began as a fishing village in the mid-15th century and became a city in 1546. The major churches date from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. There are about 40 volcanoes here but most are dormant and just a handful are sleeping. Major products here are cheese, wine, olive oil and tea. More than once we were told there are more cows on the island than people, except for tourist season in summer.

By 0630 the lights of the island were on the bow cam. At 0715 we were in the harbor. 0730 we backed alongside the cruise ship pier and secured port side to the city. This gave us a view of land.

view from our cabin

This would turn out to be the best walk-off port of the voyage. Lower level of terminal has shops and cafes. Free wi-fi at most. The terminal adjoins the esplanade with more shops. Just a couple of blocks along the esplanade is a square and from that much more of shops and cafes. The local merchants treated us well.
Our drive today took us along the coast then inland and up to a sleeping volcano for a look down into the two-lake Cidades Crater and the village of Sete Cidades. Down switchbacks through the pine forest to the village for a brief walk around and a visit to the local church which was built in 1857. Most of the townspeople had disappeared inside their houses when the tour buses arrived. I cannot blame them. The invasion lasted about an hour.

city and the two lakes

Then it was back up the mountain and down the other side, through dairy country again, lush with green grass pastures and rock fences.

 Into the city of Ponta Delgada and a final stop at a hotel right across from the terminal pier and our ship. There we enjoyed a fine tasting of local cheeses and wines. Impressed with these products, we bought a couple of wheels and a couple of bottles to take home. A dash back to the ship to drop off our cheese and wine then we returned to town and walked several blocks of the narrow streets, poking about in shops, listening to street musicians and soaking up the atmosphere of this delightful place.

 I would have liked it if we had been here during whale season to go out and whale watch. Also, we would like to see more of the island and of the city so this is on our return list. At 1600 we returned to the ship and sailed at 1650.

The forecast for the rest of the afternoon was for 6' seas, increasing to 11' in the evening and 9-10' tomorrow. Wind to be Easterly at 25 knots.

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