Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Day 29, 28 Nov. Friday. Cartagena (SP)

entrance to Cartagena harbor

Windy morning with 34 knots blowing from the South. 0715 we caught our pilot and entered the harbor. We entered the harbor, rotated 180º and tied up starboard side to the town, port side to the harbor entrance and point of land. At 0815 we left for the adventures of the day.

On a one hour ride through the countryside on a very fine freeway it was a pleasure to see large well kept farms growing fruit, vegetables, olives, nuts and so on. This is quite a contrast to what we had been seeing in previous stops. Up over the mountains and down into valleys, spotting old forts and castles and different types of terrain, all the while enjoying a commentary by our guide.

When we arrived at Caravaca a little sprinkle came down, the first damp day ashore? Raincoats and umbrellas came out. We transferred to a little trolley “train” for a ride through the narrow streets and up to the hilltop 12th century Arab fortress. This was once guarded by the Knights Templar and the Knights of St. James. That is because it houses a relic deemed to be a few pieces of the original crucifixion cross of Christ. In 1617 the new Sanctuary was begun. For more info check these links:

box for relics of the cross

 Then a quick trip to the museum of the festival, a stop in the square to wander about, then off to lunch.
in the square

in the museum of the Festival

In the square

Cartagena scene

Back aboard the bus we had a quiet return to Cartagena and a cruise around the center of the city to glimpse city life and the important buildings. By 1615 we were back aboard and sailed at 1645.
We were disappointed to discover there were no turkey dinner leftovers. The crew enjoyed them.

Post Noon report: 37º 33.38'N, 000º 59.86'W (after leaving harbor) Distance from last port was about 240 nm. Total distance now is 7014 nautical miles.
leaving port

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