Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Day 40. 9 December. At Sea. Day 5 of Atlantic Crossing

0430 and we are awake. Those time changes at work, though no change in the wee hours of this day. The cabin stewards had been up early to create a zoo of towel animals along the pool on deck 11 which was discovered on the first coffee run of the day. Fortunately we got a look at the line up before the nearby deck chairs became occupied, which would certainly detract from the photo imagery of all that fine work.

Funny thing. I noticed that at 5:30 am someone had been up to the pool to lay claim to two deck chairs poolside. They were not actually occupied until after 9 am. The same goes for seats in the show room, library, and Lido restaurant and tables of the poolside area.

When the sun finally came up we had smooth seas, very low swells and glassy surface. Only a few clouds floated out there and those were on the horizon. The temperature climbed and a day of most pleasant weather began.

A 1 ½ mile walk around the lower promenade deck got us going then an uninterrupted breakfast at the trough. 10 am I reported to my whale watch station on deck 10 portside. Watch was easy today as there were no whitecaps imitating whales, just a smooth sea. The only thing I spotted was a flying fish.

Noon report: Position is 25º 48.09'N, 061º 53.37'W. Speed 18 knots. Course 266º. Wind SW 1 knot. Apparent wind off the bow at 19 knots. Depth 5,960 meters. Temp 27C/81F. Seas: Calm. Swells from North. Sunrise here 0642, sets 1716. Distance noon to noon of 429 nm, total distance 10,524 nm. About 720 nm to Half Moon Cay.

I know I write about food quite a bit. I have a right to; I am a Senior Citizen, or almost. So on to lunch, which today was in the Pinnacle Grill; best food and setting on the ship along with excellent service in a quiet atmosphere. Lunch today was a treat by our new friend Loretta and her guests included the pianist and violinist of Adagio, Tom the Irish pianist/vocalist, and four other friends of Loretta's besides ourselves. That gave us seven new friends after the crab cakes were finished.

There was another stint at whale watch, book in hand, on deck on a comfortable lounge chair. More packing and then a much deserved nap. Tonight was the final formal night of the voyage and was be topped off by the Captain's Ball. No shorts or tank-tops to the dismay of a few but a joy to many.

Before dinner was a cocktail party hosted by Cruise Specialists who we booked through.

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