Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 26. 27 November. Palermo, Sicliy. IT

This had been a night cruise along the coast of Sicily with lights along the shoreline. At sunrise we entered the harbor, turned 90 degrees and backed up alongside a pier, a port side to the inner harbor. This gave us a view of a concrete grain elevator, floating dry-docks, a couple of large ferries, an MSC ship undergoing some maintenance, rowing shells and a small tanker. Oh yes, there is s cliff sided mountain just beyond the maze of apartment building's, topped with radio towers and what looks like a monastery with windows, or a remote hotel.
a ferry at a pier

view of the city

The event of the day for us was began with an hour long bus ride through the city then along the coast. This gave us a view of apartments, dark narrow streets, souvenir shops and later more apartment buildings, trash, junk yards, auto repair shops, landscaping lots and so on. The Sicilian clothes drier, same as the mainland Italian clothes drier, is a railing of an apartment. That at least adds color to drab buildings. In fact this is a technique used throughout the world; exception being the USA. It didn't help that our guide was soft spoken and those in the back of the bus couldn't hear the monologue.

After the dash down the freeway we came to the sea-side town of Cefalu, which seemed to be pronounced “cheff-a-lew.” Accent on the “cheff”. Outa the bussa. A death-defying walk down a narrow sidewalk/street shared with scooters, small trucks and cars. Off one side, for the first few meters, was a cliff and a beautiful view of the rocks below and the sea. With cameras going full speed, sounding like a school of castanet players, the group made it to the central square. Beautiful, it was. A tour of the cathedral was provided, though I cannot relate anything of it. Visit We then walked down a narrow street and stopped in to visit the old community laundry which is a subterranean trough with mountain water flowing through it. 


the square

entering Cefalu
Cefalu Cathedral

the square

street scene

At that point we peeled off from the group and headed up another street and pounced upon a fruit and vegetable vendor with a 3 wheel truck. From him we bought a bag of Valencia oranges to take back to the ship for our friends in the crew. Up more streets until we came to the square and there bought pizza and pastries to eat at one of the many tables in the square.
old public laundry


lunch in the square

Back to the bus and by noon were retracing our ride back to the city.

back in the city

city scene
 Aboard by 1315. This is a walk-off pier and outside the gate are taxis, horse drawn carriages and vendors waiting. What we could see leaving the pier were the usual city pizzerias, souvenir shops, cheap electronics stores, tee shirt shops and the like. Nothing to entice us to return to town. I look forward to hearing others' adventures in hope of finding something in the area of interest for any future stop here.

Noon report: 38º 07.65'N, 013º 22.00'E. Sunrise 0658. Sunset 1649. N-N run (last nights run) 156 nm. Total nautical miles we have covered since leaving Ft. Lauderdale is 6,302.

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