Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 21, Nov. 20 At Sea

Finally a sea day for a quiet schedule. After several days of different ports all the cathedrals, ruins, streets, cafes and sights begin to run together. That is why I try to maintain a log but that can also be an effort. If a notebook is not used during the day to jot down notes the names and locations visited they become a confusion of what-where-when?

The seas were very low today and had no white caps. By late afternoon no wind ripples either. The horizon is sharp and only ship appeared on it today. I expect some traffic tonight as we pass through the Straits of Bonifacio between Corsica and Sardinia.

Todays Noon report: Position 40º 24.11'N and 006º 24.16'E . Speed 15.1 knots. Course 063º. Wind SE at 12 knots. Apparent wind off starboard bow at 25 knots. Depth 2,910 meters. Distance traveled noon to noon 200 nm. Total voyage 5,524 nm. Temp. 18c/64f. Sunrise this position 0725. Sunset 1713. Around 200 nm to next port.

The itinerary for the next week shows a port a day for six days in a row, followed by a sea day then more ports. With this schedule these posts will certainly be delayed. I know you are waitiung for the story of the snake but please be patient and keep checking in. In the mean time, track the ship by using the link on the bottom of the blog “track the Maasdam.”

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