Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Day 5 - Saint Maarten

Day 5 November 4
Saint Maarten

Rain again during the evening. We arrived at 8 a.m. Under partly cloudy sky.

 Having been here before there was not much to grab our interest but finally decided to grab some activity. Julie opted for a tour which was cancelled because the guide failed to show up. The ship's excursion office quickly came up with another so off she went for a round the island mini bus tour and a stop at a market. Craig took the Americas Cup Regatta and went out on the Stars and Stripes as a primary grinder deck ape. (Stars and Stripes lost to Canada 2.) Both of us were back aboard by noon.

Two large cruise ships came in this morning boosting the tourist count by another 7,000. One tied up across the pier from the Maasdam which made our view a panorama of balconies. The people watching was great and by late afternoon guests on both ships were waving and calling out across the pier.
This was a one ambulance port for us and one for the MSC Divina. Maybe one or more for the other ship but I could not see it.
A late afternoon squall provided great entertainment watching guests dash for their ships in the rain and wind. We slipped the lines at 5 p.m. And headed out under more rain.
Noon report: Position 18º 00.72'N 063º 02.73'W. Speed 0. Temp 85F. Distance this leg 187 nm. Total voyage 1,112 nautical miles.

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