Monday, November 10, 2014

Day 10, 9 Nov. Sunday

Day 5 Atlantic Crossing

We kicked off the day with another 1 ½ mile deck walk then some catching up visiting with other guests in the Neptune. The temperature is a little cooler now. I have seen no life outside the ship for a couple of days. With two more sea days before the port frenzy begins we find the social calendar is filling up. Not the “Sit and Sip” or “Pathways to a flatter tummy” ship activities. After today's activities I will need to find “Super Highways to a flatter tummy.” There is not even time today for whale watch duty, which we had to leave to another team. I'd probably fall asleep on watch anyway.
At 1130 we reported to the Explorers Lounge with written orders in hand for the Suites Rijsttafel. Uniform for this is smart casual, that means no shorts, tank tops or flip-flops.

 Once gathered with 30 or so others, we were supplied with chilled sparkling wine and re-introduced to our cellar master, Miguel Borge. Shortly we were herded into the Pinnacle Grill (no e) for fist-knocks (still no hand-shaking) with Captain Smit and Director Oaks then placed a a table with a Compatriot S.A.R. and his wife. Throughout this lunch we were able to learn all about their history in their community theater. The Indonesian food was superb and the service outstanding, as usual.
The Pinnacle

Hotel Director Oaks and Captain Smit
Exec Chef, Food Mgr and Cellar Master
Julie and Captain Smit discuss Where's Cpt Olaf?
Yuli of the Pinnacle Staff

The Pinnacle Grill (no e) is the ship's upscale restaurant. They now serve breakfast, lunch and dinner in a very quiet and attentive atmosphere. Stemware is Riedl. Plates are Bvlgari. Silver plated cutlery and sauce boats. White tablecloths and napkins. White coated waiters. Deep comfortable chairs and plenty of space. The walls are paneled, brass is everywhere and large windows overlook the ocean. It is expected that one dress at least “smart casual” during the day and for men a coat (an perhaps even a tie) in the evening. If you want to wear shorts, tank top and flip-flops go to the lido.

Daily Report (1300 hrs) Position 27º 11.26'N and 028º 27.26'W . Course 082. Speed 16.2k. Temp 28c/73F . Wind E 22 knots. Apparent wind off the bow at 38 knots. Depth 5,310 meters. Days run 407 nm. Total voyage 3,099 nm. 700 nm to next port. Sunrise 0708. Sunset 1804.

Ahhhh, the soup!

The dress code for this evening is Formal for those who wish to participate. Those who do not wish to participate tend to maintain a low profile on these evenings. Not all gentlemen don formal wear but many wear a coat and tie and most of the ladies are well dressed in finery. There was no time this evening for our usual ½ hour of the strings prior to dinner. After the Rijsttafel lunch the clocks jumped ahead an hour (again), we grabbed a short snooze then hurried to get ready for dinner earlier than usual. In fact we had written orders to report to the Explorers Lounge again, this time at 5:45 pm and with a kind reminder that the evening dress code is formal. Grueling. We were again greeted by the Cellar Master and each was given charge of a glass of bubbly white wine. This duty I discharged with enthusiasm. The group was herded into the Pinnacle, which now feels like home, and deposited by Sarah Zuriada, the Pinnacle Grill (without an e) Manager, at a window table with two other couples; one from Minnesota and one from Brazil/Florida. With a toast from Cellar Master Miguel we launched into the Cellar Master's Dinner.
Chef's Chocolate

Pinnacle staff is always happy
 We went in at 6 and left at 9:30. After dinner we immediately made reservations for the next Cellar Master's Dinner then took a leisurely waddle forward to the show room to enjoy the Celtic Tenors.


  1. Zoe: gamma and papa I love you cuz your amazing for me.


    Elizabeth: I love the pics so much! It is wonderful to see you smiling face mom! We go through the pics and play the find grandma game but papa i know you are behind the camera. Send some pics of you too! The staff looks like they are having fun and the atmosphere looks delightful and cozy! I really enjoyed looking at the "out there" On the boat and the nothing but out there! Such a delight! Oh by the way the chow looks fab. Keep your adventure coming! We love you so much!

  2. Love the pic.. Menus.. & Julie all a glow!
