Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 19, Nov. 18th. Barcelona

This is a large commercial and cruise port. After a long slow entrance through the commerical harbor we turned 180º and backed 4 ship lengths down the canal to tie port side to the cruise terminal #2. This gave us a view of the sea over the terminal roof as well as a look down the beach to the North. Many vessels were anchored outside awaiting their turn to load/unload and we could watch the comings and goings of the many ferries, fishing b oats and in the air, jets. Kinda busy. By 0815 we were secured and at 0845 Julie and I were ashore looking for a ride. Very quickly we found our guide Mar and our driver Juan.
approaching the terminal

Our ride at first went by some of the more interest places near the waterfront; marina, Columbus monument, more yachts, cable car pavilion and so on. Juan dropped us off at the esplanade and we walked this elevated boardwalk along the beach while Mar filled us in on life in the city. Most of what was created in '92 for the Olympics is in use and well maintained. Sculptures, new marina, hotels and housing included. 


Monument to Columbus

Once orientated, we drove though the city which was clean, bustling and full of interesting architecture. Julie, Mar and I again dismounted, now in the old part of the city, and began a walking tour through the old Roman city gates, down narrow streets and in and out of some very old buildings. We stood in the courtyard where Columbus was granted funds for exploration. 
Where Columbus received his exploration funding/commission
We found an ancient chapel and Mar related its history. (Mar has a degree in Tourism and has been a guide for 20 years.) This area dates from the 14th and 15th centuries and one can still see parts of the original aqueducts, walls, and early buildings.

The Cathedral of Barcelona was at one end of this area and we went in to admire the interior. We discovered an elevator would take us to the roof for 3 each. I was humming a tune from Phantom during the roof walk. Visit this online at
from the roof of the Catedral

Old Roman gates to the city

walking the old city
typical cafe on old city

Then a stop at a coffee shop near the cathedral and to watch the preparation for the lunch crowd for Pintxos.
Mar explained pintxos

A short ride and we walked down the avenue to the Mercat de St Josep, a huge covered market dating back to 1836.

Back up the pedestrian avenue to find Juan, or for him to find us, buying flowers on the way for our cabin. Another cruise through the city to view famous architecture then on foot again to visit the Basilica Sagrada Família. Rather than try to explain this project, I refer you to the site:
We saw more of Gaudui's work in the city and will look for more at our next stop.
typical street scene


still under construction

Mar knew of a good restaurant for us to have a tapas lunch which was crowded with the business people on break; noisy, great food and plenty of it. Beneath the restaurant subway trains occasionally rumbled past.


Then a drive through residential areas to see where the more affluent live, then to see the exhibition area, the Olympic stadium and finally an overlook where we found a panoramic view of the city and the waterfront.

Olympic Stadium

Home sweet home

With that concluded we returned to the ship at 5. At 2300 we sailed.
Daily report: Position 41º 21.56'N – 002º 10.72'E. Total distance 5,186 nm. Days run 158 nm.

1 comment:

  1. I've wanted to visit this city for years !!
    Thanks for pics & hold on to guide info
    I will get there someday
