Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 20, 19 Nov, Palma de Mallorca

Again we came in as the sun was rising. A beautiful day but cooler. Today we were port side to the pier and overlooking a Costa ship, a navy ship further down, a ferry and a hilltop fort. Lots to look at but the morning was occupied with updating the log and blog and getting some rest. Late morning we got out and took a shuttle bus to town. Well, we are in town but bussed up to where the old Roman town is. Up on the hill is the grand cathedral; Catedral de Mallorca.

We spent an hour in the Cathedral, once we could locate the entrance. Provided with personal audio/visual guides we had a fine look into the history of the building and it's art.

 On exiting we found we were on a narrow back street that was neat and clean, lined with old 3-4 story buildings and cobblestone pavers. There is quite a warren of narrow streets and alleys in this old town. What I took be be pedestrian alleyways often proved to be streets for now and then a car or small truck would edge its way along.

Gelato girls found an easy sale

Point of interest for travelers here; do not assume traffic will stop for pedestrians. If you are in a crosswalk they may stop but stepping out when a car is coming may spoil your day. We wandered the streets looking into shops and restaurants and greeting fellow shipmates doing the same. We found a couple of clothing items for our wardrobes and picked up some pastries in a bakery which our guide Mar had insisted we try in Mallorca.

The shuttle brought us back to the ship at 4. Although sailing was not until 2230 we stayed aboard to rest and dine. At 2200 the Filipino members of the crew performed a show of their music and dance in the showroom which we always enjoy. Our concierge Queen was the organizer and danced. Her co-concierge Josephine danced as well.

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